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Ria Baker - Alumni Contact
Wajtek Palmoski - Alumni Contact
Dale Gilliland - Alumni Contact

Hillcrest School Alumni Association - Get Connected & Stay Informed

The HSAA has as its objectives:

  1. To provide a platform for the alumni to network, reconnect, and exchange ideas on academic, professional, cultural and social issues.

  2. Serve as the voice of the alumni on the Hillcrest Board of Governors to communicate the views of alumni and advocate for the interest of the student body at large.
  3. Support alumni-driven service projects and fundraising activities that benefit Hillcrest School.
  4. To be added to the alumni mailing list, please add your information by following the link.
  5. Once you are on the mailing list, you will be notified of our future meeting dates.

Get plugged into the Hillcrest family today!


For more information, please send email to

  • As our body is still forming, there are many details that need to be developed and as our Association progresses we hope [ ... ]

    As our body is still forming, there are many details that need to be developed and as our Association progresses we hope our constitution will as well. The HSAA’s Executive Management Committee (EMC), with a tenure of two (2) years is composed of:

    The President
    The Vice President
    The Secretary
    The Treasurer

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