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Hillcrest School takes seriously its responsibility to protect students and to create a safe and positive environment for them to grow. We believe that it is never acceptable for any child to experience abuse of any kind, in agreement with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Articles 19 and 34. Protection of students is the responsibility of every person within our school community. Hillcrest School, called by God, recognizes:

  • each student’s unique value.
  • our responsibility to shepherd and love those who are precious to God.
  • our duty, through good administrative process, to provide protection and justice to all parties.
  • our role to help bring healing to those who are vulnerable and have been hurt.


  • As an organization, we are committed to:
  • valuing and respecting each individual Hillcrest School student.
  • seeking to establish and maintain a safe environment for all students emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • providing regular and adequate Student Protection Training for all staff and volunteers.
  • maintaining an established framework and clear procedures for dealing with concerns about possible abuse of or inappropriate behavior towards students.


"Child safety protocols have permeated the school culture and are championed by stakeholders. Staff members understand and embrace the ethical considerations of their respective positions. (Indicators 6.7, 4.2) 

Hillcrest prioritized the development of child safety policies in response to a major recommendation in the previous accreditation report. The principles of visibility, accountability, and balance of power are integrated throughout the school culture and community. The staff know and understand appropriate student/teacher relationships, confidentiality with student information, and use of copyrighted material detailed in the staff handbook and through staff training. (staff handbooks; student, teacher, administration interviews; board and administrative policy manuals)"

Safeguarding Our Students

(April 7th 2022 Update)

Hillcrest School believes that our students are gifts from God and should be valued as such. We hold the responsibility of safeguarding these precious gifts, our children, as a sacred and solemn trust. 

The heartbreaking truth is that, throughout time, children have suffered harm and abuse at the hands of those entrusted to protect and nurture them at school or in a hostel. It was no different at Hillcrest. In April 2021 a former administrator stated on social media that between 1980 - 1984 he molested 2 students at HIllcrest. Since that public statement, we have received additional reports of abuse, inappropriate behavior and grooming behavior by adults toward children. Alumni have bravely come forward to bear witness to what they experienced or what they saw at school or in the hostels. Hillcrest acknowledges that abuse was experienced by some of our alumni. It is our responsibility to nurture student development, mind, body and soul and, as possible, keep our students safe. Hillcrest understands that we have, at times, fallen short of living up to and fulfilling our responsibilities. We regret the pain and suffering experienced by some of our alumni and their families. 

If you have experienced or witnessed harm or abuse at Hillcrest School, no matter how long ago it happened, we invite you to share your experience with us at This is a confidential email monitored by Hillcrest’s Student Protection Officer. Alternatively, you may use the email address This address is monitored by an external counsellor who is an expert in the field of trauma healing with World Renew.